This site is dedicated to the presentation of Délices Métisses and its preparations for mixed rum.
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Our preparations for mixed rum

Due to our particular delivery conditions on pallets, we have chosen to sell our preparations for mixed rum only in batches in order to guarantee security during deliveries.

Real fruits

All our preparations are made with natural ingredients chosen for their quality and unique taste. We use real fruits that we dehydrate and cut ourselves to adapt them to our recipes and bottles.

Formats for all

We offer 3 sizes of bottles for our mixed rum preparations, we have the formast 50CL, 1L and 3L. The bottles do not contain alcohol, only the dry ingredients.
Each bottle can be used twice.

Unique recipes

All our recipes are elaborated with passion and the desire to make you travel, each sip is a gustatory journey, the mixtures are composed of fruits, Délices métisses makes you discover through its preparations for mixed rum flavors from elsewhere.

288 rue du radar, ZA du radar

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